Ayrıca bu tense ile birlikte sıklıkla kullandığımız when ve while bağlaçları ile ilgili konu anlatımı ve sorular da yine bu başlıkta açıklanmıştır.
Olumlu, olumsuz ve soru cümle yapıları aşağıdaki gibidir;
(+) S + was
/ were + Ving + O
(-) S + wasn’t
/ weren’t + Ving + O
(?) Was / Were + S + Ving +
O ?
Detaylı konu anlatımı;
6-1 FORM
Affirmative | Negative | Interrogative |
I was working You were studying He/She/It was eating lunch We were laughing You were talking They were arguing | I wasn't working You weren't studying He/She/it wasn't eating lunch We weren't laughing You weren't talking They weren't arguing | Was I working? Were you studying? Was he/she/it eating lunch? Were we laughing? Were you talking? Were they arguing? |
Where were you living this time last year?
I was living in İzmir
What were you doing at 9 p
last night?
I was watching television
a) Bu tense'i, geçmişte belli bir noktada yapmakta olduğumuz eylemleri anlatırken kullanırız
This time last summer, I was lying on the beach in Bodrum, but now I'm working hard to finish this project
What were you doing at noon last Saturday? I was playing football with friends
b) Past Continuous ( I was doing ) ile Past Tense ( I did ) arasındaki kullanım farkına dikkat ediniz
Eğer, geçmişte tamamladığımız bir eylemden sözediyorsak Simple Past Tense kullanırız
What did you do last night?
I watched television first, then studied English
Eğer, geçmişte tamamladığımız bir eylemi değil de, sözü edilen zamanda yapmakta olduğumuz işi anlatıyorsak, Past Continuous Tense kullanılır
What were your parents doing when you got home last night?
They were waiting for me to eat dinner with them
c) Sürerlilik bildiren tense'lerle kullanılmayan fiiller (non-progressive verbs), Past Continuous Tense ile de kullanılmazlar
I already knew the news about him
( Ben onunla ilgili haberi zaten biliyordum
She thought that I would go to the party as well
( Partiye benim de gideceğimi zannediyordu
The flowers looked nice yesterday, but now they are fading
d) Geçmişteki alışkanlıklarımızı ya da sık sık yaptığımız eylemleri Simple Past Tense ile anlatırız
I went to the cinema very often when I was at university
cümlesini Türkçe'ye iki şekilde çevirebiliriz
"Üniversitedeyken sinemaya çok sık giderdim
When he was young, he played football in the school team
( general in the past )
When I saw him yesterday, he was playing football, ( a specific point in the past )
e) Geçmişte bir eylemi, başlangıç ve bitiş zamanını belirterek anlatıyorsak, Past Continuous Tense kullanırız
I was watching a film on television from nine until eleven last night
He was working as an accountant from 1985 to 1989
Past Continuous Tense "when" ve "while" cümlelerinde çok sık kullanılan bir tense'dir
I was eating dinner when the guests arrived
(Konuklar geldiğinde yemek yiyordum
I hurt my leg while i was playing football
(Futbol oynarken bacağımı incittim
I- "When" ile kurulmuş bir zarf cümleciği (adverbial clause), genellikle temel cümledeki (main clause) eylemin devam etmekte olduğu zamanı açıklar
When he came,I was studying
adverbial clause main clause
I was reading when he came
When I went out, it was raining
They were arguing when I entered the room
(Ben içeri girdiğimde, tartışıyorlardı
When + Simple Past , Past Continuous
II- "When" arka arkaya yapılmış eylemleri anlatmak için de kullanılır
When he arrived, we went into the cinema
When he left work, he got on a bus and went home
When the teacher asked a question, I raised my hand to answer it
When + Simple Past , Simple Past
I- 'While" cümleciği genellikle, temel cümledeki eylem sırasında devam etmekte olan bir başka eylemi anlatmak için kullanılır
While I was studying, he came in
adverbial clause main clause
I left home while my parents were sleeping
I took a photograph while you weren't looking
While + Past Continuous , Simple Past
II- "While" cümleciği, temel cümledeki eylemle aynı anda olan bir eylemi anlatmak için de kullanılır
I sang while I washed the dishes
She watched me while I made the cake
I waited outside while she had an interview
While + Simple Past , Simple Past
III- "While" birbirine paralel devam eden iki eylemi anlatmak için de kullanılır
While the teacher was lecturing, the students were talking among themselves
I was studying while everybody at home was sleeping
( Evde herkes uyurken ben ders çalışıyordum
While + Past Continuous , Past Continuous
IV- "While" ile aynı anlamı veren bir diğer bağlaç "as" dir
While I was coming here, I ran into an old friend
As I was coming here, I ran into an old friend
I had a look at the old magazines while / as I waited at the doctor's
"Just as", daha vurgulu bir anlatımdır
The postman came just as I was leaving home
( Tam ben evden çıkarken, postacı geldi
Just as I sat down at the table, the phone rang
(Tam masaya oturdum ki telefon çaldı
Kaynak: fikircephesi.com
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